Vivenne Westwood meets Avalon

Posted by Carolina

I like a girl with caked up makeup 
in the sunshine smoking cigarettes to pass the time

who wakes up to a bottle of wine on the nightstand
bites and scratches the blinds

but I ain’t found one quite right yet

so I step with pep to the park or supermarket
her apartment best be messy

And Lisa don’t mind when I call her Leslie... 

Collection: Vivienne Westwood Red Label Fall/Winter 2011
Soundtrack: "So rich, So pretty" by Mickey Avalon (Click to listen)

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Target: GO International Designer Collective Re-release

Posted by Carolina

Over the years Target has partnered up with well known designers to release affordable creations for those who can't afford their regular line.  They've been incredibly successful with this, but there's always one problem. They sell out insanely fast and many don't get the opportunity to purchase the pieces.    

With this in mind Target has decided to re-release 34 of the most successful looks of past designer collections. Here are my top picks from all the looks.

Durante los años Target ha unido fuerzas con diseñadores reconocidos para lanzar collecciones económicas para aquellas personas que no pueden adquirir sus diseños regulares.  Han tenido un éxito increíble con esto, pero lamentablemente siempre se presenta un problema: Las piezas de acaban demasiado rápido y muchos no tienen la oportunidad de adquirir las piezas. 

Con esto presente, Target, ha decido re-lanzar 34 de los looks más exitosos de colecciones previas. Acá están mis top looks:

Illustration: Rumors I've Heard About Anna Wintour

Posted by Carolina

Rumors I've Heard About Anna Wintour by Illustrator Lisa Hanawalt.

Rumores que he escuchado acerca de Anna Wintour por la Ilustradora Lisa Hanawalt.

Skins Uk in Heat Magazine

Posted by Carolina
I'm still not convinced with the american version of Skins, but the new season of Skins UK is amazing.  Loving the new cast, specially Grace and Matty.  Here is an interview/photo shoot of them in Heat Magazine.

Todavía no me ha logrado convencer la versión norteamericana de Skins, pero la nueva temporada de Skins UK esta increíble. El nuevo elenco me cae tan bien, especialmente Grace y Matty.   Acá les traigo una entrevista
/sesión de fotos de ellos en la Revista Heat (está en inglés, pero las fotos están muy chulas).

Click the image to enlarge//Haz click en la imágen para agrandar

Caffeine deprivation. Midnight post.

Posted by Carolina

Oh yes, yes it is. 

Now some positive reinforcement...

and always remember...

Stalk us/follow us/join us!

Midnight  (almost 1am)  post.  Have to wake up bright and early for Design classes! 

Baring makeover. For Realz.

It seriously took me some time to really accept that the person below I'm seeing is Tiffany Pollard, or as everyone knows her: New York from Flavor of Love (yes I watched an episode of it). 

Wow! What a Huge difference when she takes so much off! Girl you should've done that ages ago! 
What's up with all that make up? I bet you even felt lighter after all that cleanse. It was unrecognizable!
So much better.

De veras que me tomó tiempo para aceptar que la persona de la foto de abajo es en realidad Tiffany Pollard, o como todas las conocemos como New York de Flavor of Love (si, he visto un episodio de la serie).

Wow! Cuánta diferencia cuando ella no tiene tanto maquillaje! Deberías de haber hecho esto años atrás!
No entiendo por qué se ponía tanto maquillaje. Apuesto que hasta mas ligero se sintió luego de lavarse la cara. Es irreconocible!
Pues claro, mucho mejor. 

What do you guys think? Which one do you prefer?
Qué creen ustedes? Cual prefieren?


Vanity Fair

And here's another edition of Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue!
It is always so fun to see all the popular hollywood actors in one page. It just makes you feel complete. Hahaha, or is it just me? These covers are always so glamourous and hot!

Anyway, this time there were no teenagers, just HOT actors with their sexy looks.

Look at all those sexy legs! and smoking guys!

Close up:

Left to right:
Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway and James Franco.
Jennifer LawrenceAnthony MackieOlivia Wilde,Jesse Eisenberg and Mila Kunis.
Joseph Gordon-LevittAndrew GarfieldRashida JonesGarrett Hedlund, and Noomi Rapace.
And somehow, Robert Duvall is in the background?