Which fruit do you like better?

I assume everybody know that fruits are good for our health and I guess that's the reason why companies name their product after a fruit. 
Maybe we should create one called AppleBerry. It would be interesting... for starters, an Appleberry blog.

But today's topic is about the Competition.

We all know that Apple has launched the useful and convenient iPad, with sales that over exceeded their expectations, but now their phone competitor Research in Motion (Blackberry) announced that they also will launch a BlackPad. 

Very well chosen name Blackberry! 
I must say that I did not know that the contrary of the fruit Apple was Blackberry, as white is to black or short is to tall. 
But apparently they are.

Supongo que todos saben que las frutas son buenas para nuestra salud y creo que es por esto que las compañías nombran sus productos tras una fruta. 
Tal vez deberíamos crear uno llamado AppleBerry. Sería interesante... Para empezar, un blog llamado AppleBerry. 

Pero el tema de hoy es acerca de la Competencia.

Como ya sabemos, Apple ya lanzado el útil y conveniente iPad y que las ventas han sobrepasado las expectarivas del mismo Apple. Pero ahora su competidor Research in Motion (Blackberry) ha anunciado que también lanzará un producto similar, el BlackPad. 

Nombre bien elegido Blackberry!
Debo decir que no sabía que el contrario de una manzana es mora, como blanco es el color negro o como corto es a largo.
Pero aparentemente los son.

Which one will you choose? Team Apple or Team Blackberry?
Cuál escogerías? Equipo Apple o Equipo Blackberry?


I personally like both of them (brands). I have a Blackberry cellphone and a Mac as laptop. And very satisfied with both of them. But then again, we are talking about different variety of products already, since Mac's competition is not Blackberry but PC, and we are talking about the phone competition and now the recent rivalry of the Pads. 

Personalmente me gustan ambas marcas. Tengo el Blackberry como celular y un Mac de laptop. Y estoy muy satisfecha con los dos. Pero ya estamos hablando acerca de diferentes productos ya que la competencia de Mac es PC y no Blackberry y lo que estamos hablando es la competencia de teléfonos y bueno, este reciente rivalidad de los Pads.

So I'll say Team AppleBerry!
Yo diría Equipo AppleBerry!
Con amor,


Ps, tomorrow is holiday here! 
I can't remember what we are celebrating, but whatever it is Hope u guys enjoy as much as we will! :)
Pd, mañana es día feriado aquí!
No recuerdo bien qué estamos celebrando pero sea lo que sea espero que ustedes lo disfruten al igual que nosotras! :)

Image by Apple
Image by Geeky-Gadgets


  1. nice blog!thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Hope you visit my blog again.


  2. Haha at the appleberry! Is this for real? That would be pretty awesome.

  3. Hahaha, thank you all for stopping by! And of course we will keep tabs on your blogs!
    Appleberry because i like both brands. :P It would be awesome, wouldn't it!


  4. thanks for the comment :)
    i think we'll have an apple pie with berries eheh


  5. i love to eat apples and use apple products. apple lover for life...once you go mac u dont go back...k im done

    im on team apple if u cant tell LOL

  6. apple all the way. lovely blog!

    just found it.

    check mine out if you like


  7. thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. in answer to your question yes they are flowers on the red dress :) it was £3.00 from a charity shop!

    and i've cut off all my hair since that picture!

    i'd love to follow each other
    xx bm

  8. Yo tengo iphone y antes tenia blackerry, me gustan los dos pero para Pads creo que me quedo con el iPad, lo tengo y es una pasada. No sé cómo sera el resultado de blackpad...

    Muchas gracias por pasarte y por tu comentario

    Un besoo
